Normally I sell my 503 Paint Shop Pro tutorials as a bundle, however, I have made these tutorials available for those of you who maybe just want to use a specific technique and who don't wish to purchase my full collection. Many of my students have emailed me over the years to say my Paint Shop Pro tutorials are the best they have read and the easiest to follow in fact, several Universities currently utilise my Paint Shop Pro tutorials teaching their students on campus. I have designed these tutorials so you can begin to use the tools in Paint Shop Pro to immediately get brilliant results - and they can be read on your Kindle, iPad, PC, Mac, Smart Phone and Tablet.
Each of my Paint Shop Pro tutorials is step by step and packed with helpful screen captures - so you can follow my instructions every step of the way without ever getting lost. PSP also accepts almost all of the plug-ins for Photoshop. Although there arent as many web-based tutorials available for PSP, most of the tutorials for Photoshop can be translated into PSP. This is part of a series of over 500 tutorials that I have written for Paint Shop Pro. I use Paint Shop Pro X4 and cannot say enough good words about PSP. It includes many informative screen captures that speed up the learning process. This is a step by step tutorial and is suitable for intermediate students. This tutorial demonstrates how to create and save a rainbow gradient using Paint Shop Pro 7, 8, 9, X, XI, X2, X3, X4, X5, X6, X7, X8.